The next Board meeting is Wed 27 March at 1.30pm in Te Mata Hall. The public forum will be near the start of the formal meeting, giving an opportunity to discuss issues. You might prefer to email/phone the Board.
Wednesday's agenda omits information as highlighted in orange, but it includes -
- Bow St water tower planting plan mostly natives and others not listed as weeds.
- Wainui Reserve “plan to put a group of stakeholders together to develop a 30-50 year plan for the development of the reserve”.
- Wainui Reserve old Harbour Care site “staff and interested community groups, market garden/native nursery”. [Friends of Wainui not included in invited groups]
- Wainui Beach Car Park “Works are being priced by Contractors now and the construction window will be between 2 April and 28 May.”
- Papahua Recreation Reserve Car Park “Waka Ama due to take place Saturday 11 May (subject to sanctioning as per Waka Ama website). Works are looking to be completed before then”.
- Privet no update.
- 2024-2034 Long-Term Plan (Enhanced Annual Plan) “provides more time to address immediate challenges in our district, particularly concerning water infrastructure, Waka Kotahi funding, affordability, and QV rates revaluation timelines. . . 13.75% increase in general rates . . . funding confirmation from Waka Kotahi in September . . . better certainty about the government's next steps regarding initiatives such as 'Local Water Done Well.' . . . where you would like to see our current service levels reduced in future”.
- Councillors Reports, Board Members’ Reports Verbal.
- Waikato Regional Long-Term Plan Verbal proposals include a rate for buses costing around $30 a year and a 20% increase in bus fares.
- Wi Neera Walkway “Draft consent conditions have been received and are being reviewed. Construction is still tracking to start mid/late April lasting around eight weeks. In parallel the Project Team are going to start planning on the substantial repair of the failing southern sea wall.”
- Community Board Plans “meeting to be held at 2pm, 21 March at Cr Thomson’s residence”.
- Civil Defence “we will pick it up in early April with another meeting of interested parties”.
- Raglan Naturally “Chairperson to circulate the report provided by the coordinator to members.”
- Soundsplash Verbal.
- Wharf “Completion will be end of April with an early May opening. . . met with Raglan Coastguard re issues at the wharf”.
- Manu Bay Breakwater “consulting with the stakeholder group regarding suitable dates within the next two weeks.”
- CCTV discussions to agree on terms and conditions.
- Greenslade Rd Reserve playground Verbal. “feedback is with an assessment with the business owner.”
- Camp ground “Main kitchen works are to start later this year. Planning and design are in progress for the stormwater and roading upgrades. . . electrical and water upgrades. . . admin/laundry building upgrades.”
- Funding rounds “establish clearer guidelines for applicants.”
- Discretionary fund has $1,725. Wander Women’s Adventure Race wants $5,000.
from Secretary: John Lawson, 51 Cliff St, Raglan 07 825 7866 email