Raglan Community Board meeting Agenda Wed 23 October

The next Raglan Community Board meeting is Wed 23 October at 1.30pm in the Town Hall Supper Room. The public forum will be near the start of the formal meeting, giving an opportunity to discuss issues. You might prefer to email/phone the Board.


  1. Wednesday's agenda omits information as highlighted in orange, but includes -
    Adaptive management “to set up a community panel and collaborate with mana whenua while following the Dynamic Adaptive Pathways Planning approach in relation to the potential risks posed by coastal inundation, flooding, and land slips.”
  2. Next meetings 1.30pm on 12 Feb, 26 Mar, 7 May, 18 Jun, 30 Jul and 10 Sep, all in the Supper Room.
  3. Manu Bay Breakwater report to go to 12 Nov Infrastructure Committee.
  4. Wharf “Open Spaces to confirm zoning for permitted and prohibited fishing then design and order a sign.” Concrete finished on boat ramp.
  5. Wi Neera Walkway Southern end “design is in development”.
  6. Civil Defence is on the agenda, but with no update.
  7. Coastal Reserve Stakeholder Meeting is on the agenda, but with no update.
  8. Soundsplash - “All management plans have been received by WDC and feedback has been provided to event organisers, very little change requested - they are good plans and mostly the same as last year. Special license has been lodged and public notification is happening until 24/10/2024. Fees & Charges changes have been added to the Long Term Plan for consultation early next calendar year.”
  9. CCTV - “Councillor/Chair CCTV workshop scheduled for 9 October”. To be in CBD (4), Te Uku and Manu Bay.
  10. Greenslade Rd Reserve playground - “We are having an internal workshop to support the design with nature play ideas. The workshop is extended over WDC, Sports Waikato, and other external consultants to enhance the design which is at its conceptual stage at the moment.”
  11. Community Board Plans – “Chairperson to follow up with the Community-Led Development Advisor.”
  12. Camp ground - stormwater “de-watering and the laying of pipe . . . is currently in progress.”
  13. Board Members’ Reports Verbal.
  14. Discretionary fund has $12,196.04, the Sailing Club want $1,000 for a tractor, the Arts Council want $2171.61 for RAW, Whāingaroa Dance Collective want $1,200 for Wharf Whispers sunset performances on 1 and 2 Mar and Raglan Naturally want $1,000 for a busking day.