Treated wastewater was discharged into Raglan Harbour on the incoming tide again this week, occurring on both Wednesday afternoon and early Thursday morning. .
Waikato District Council is allowed to discharge on the incoming tide in certain circumstances but Watercare who manage the service have said that these were caused by the same fault as the problems from two weeks ago. Specifically there was a software fault that meant that alarms did not go off, alerting them of the fault. On this occasion it was council staff who eventually discovered the fault and not members of the public like last time.
As a precaution, the public is urged not to collect shellfish or swim in Raglan Harbour for the next three days and warning signs have been put up.
While this unplanned release was related to the event 2 weeks ago it is not related to complaints by the public one week ago about dirty water in the harbour and poo out at the surf breaks. Council staff say these were not caused by problems with the council sewerage system.
The annual Raglan Flower & Vegetable Show is coming up on 4th November. The show is organised by the Raglan Horticultural Society and this year will be expanding into the Town Hall. All categories are free to enter with entries will be accepted from 9.00am – 10.30am on the day . After judging the show will be open to the public from 12.30 with koha entry.
The many categories include: Roses, Sweet Peas, Other Flowers, Vegetables, Floral Art, and a Children’s Section.
Good weather and the Raglan Arts Weekend combined to make a very busy Labour weekend in Whaingaroa with complaints of heavy traffic causing queues from the bridge back into the middle of town and a few rescues required at the surf beaches. The Emerging Artist exhibition was a roaring success with the town hall packed with supporters and art lovers at the opening on friday night and a few red stickers appearing on some of the works right from the start.
This weekend won’t be quite so busy but the junior surf program will be getting underway on Sunday from 10am at Nagarnui Beach and the North Island Backgammon Tournament is being hosted by the Old School Arts Centre throughout Saturday and Sunday.
In other local sport the summer touch rugby season is getting underway this evening from 5p,. The first few weeks will be played at Papahua because of a November rugby tournament and last we heard the organisers were still looking for an extra men’s team to join the competition - which also includes competitions for junior, womens and mixed adult teams.