The project at Wharf is shutting down over the Christmas break and through all of January for six weeks. This means all the contractor’s machinery and containers will be gone by the end of Friday 22nd December - if it hasn’t gone already.
There will be a small area along the seawall that will be fenced off to keep everyone safe, the kayak ramp will be open and a mixture of permanent and temporary footpaths in place to connect Wallis Street to the Wharf.
The project will be back up and running from Monday 12 February for around six weeks to complete the:
- Craning into place the tidal terraces
- Cultural and Historical signboard installation
- Entrance sculpture
- Pedestrian raised table at the entrance and adjoining footpath.
- Asphalt pavement surfacing
Council has approved the purchase of the property at 398 Wainui Road, Raglan.
Council documents show it will be held as a Strategic Property until such time as it’s required for s road. Given its location on the corner of the road into Wainui Reserve we’re assuming this will be for a turning bay or roundabout and probably not because the council wants to set up a gift shop.
Council has also agreed to spend $256,054 raising the harbour entrance beacon located on Long St. Apparently a resident approached Council through the District Plan consultation to discuss adding another level to their dwelling. Because this would obscure the beacon and cause obvious problems for safe navigation through the harbour mouth Council resolved in 2021 that the costs would be covered by ratepayers to raise the height of the lamp. This project was not well understood and has since doubled in price as it requires the purchase of an entire new beacon.
News BItes: Council staff have started marking angle parking on Bow St outside the town hall. New Year’s eve will have its full complement of regular activities with the parade at 7pm and fireworks at midnight and it’s been confirmed that Maui Dolphin Day will be back next year. After missing a couple of years through Covid organisers at the environment centre and Xtreme Zero Waste have announced that it will be held on Saturday 9th March.