The next Raglan Community Board meeting is Wed 29 November at 1.30pm in the Town Hall Supper Room. The public forum will be near the start of the formal meeting, giving an opportunity to discuss issues. You might prefer to email/phone the Board.
This summary of the agenda for the meeting has been prepared by John Lawson, secretary of Whāingaroa Environmental Defence Inc.
Wednesday’s agenda omits information as highlighted in orange, but it includes –
- Flax Removal, Opotoru Rd “Staff have had several requests to remove roadside flaxes along Opotoru Road, Raglan, due to lack of visibility of oncoming vehicles and overgrown vegetation onto the roadside. Approximately 20 plus mature flaxes are to be removed and relocated to the Wainui Reserve”.
- Greenslade Rd Reserve playground conceptual designs show a slide, roundabout, climbing frame and swings, separated by a cycleway.
- Civil Defence last week a meeting (private because they’d not yet checked that people/organisations in the plan will take part), had a draft plan, to be continuously improved/updated and made public by Christmas. “Community response wheelie bins will be located in locations of community led centres, schools, marae. . . have in place pre-Christmas . . . locations for community led centres . . . their interest and what facilities they have. . list of vulnerable people is held with medical centres.”
- Arts Centre Carpark Repairs “commence on the 20 November 2023, with a 10-day programme”.
- Bus survey “No Update”. Sep. minutes said, “The Chief Financial Officer to check in with the Transport Operations Team Leader regarding the roading [funding?] for bus transport.”
- Harbour Beacon “to start on 20 November . . . completed by 19 January . . . outages are to occur on 11 December for up to 5 hours and . . . 12 January 2024 for half a day.” [see also reason for the work below]
- Long Term Plan 2024-34 “After public consultation on the Community Outcomes, Council adopted both the Community Outcomes and Strategic Priorities . . . elected members alongside community board and committee chairs to feed into the budgeting process, when full budgets are presented in late January . . . elected officials can begin conversations with their communities about the LTP and encourage the public to participate in the engagement process in early 2024”.
- Wi Neera Walkway “The path will be between 2.85m and 3.15m wide, under Recreation NZ Guidelines anything over 2.5m is classified as a shared path. . . Northern . . . footpath and balustrade constructed in Feb-Apr 2024. . . footpath/balustrade works south of the pedestrian bridge. . . likely be 2024/2025. . . will need engineering and a consent as the bank has slumped and will have to be replaced”.
- Soundsplash “Great progress has been made . . . on track for a November sign off.” – no detail in the agenda.
- Wharf tree pits lined with concrete to keep sea water out. “Wharf historical information boards – content has been drafted and passed to Raglan Signs.”
- Manu Bay Breakwater “hope to hold a stakeholder meeting in December to present the options.” [see below]
- CCTV WDC will “engage with the Community Board to understand where the cameras should be placed.”
- Rugby club “exterior works were completed on the 13 November . . . Project is done.”
- Camp ground “laundry . . . was completed 27 October with stainless bench . . . Main kitchen works are to start April . . . Stormwater, Water, and Electrical . . . to start in March/April”.
- Meeting dates proposed to continue 6 weekly at 1.30pm [RCB is the only Board without evening meetings].
- Raglan Naturally (AGM is Monday 4.30pm Area School), Councillors, RCB members verbal reports.
- Discretionary fund has $19,792. The Arts Council wants $1,827 for Pop-up Book events and $6,000 for Raglan Film Festival, Surfside Church wants $4,000 for a Christmas event. Surf Life Saving club history book printed.
Raglan Waste Water Treatment Plant Upgrade zooms on 26 Oct and 30 Nov were cancelled due to lack of progress. The next is planned for 7pm on Thu 14 Dec.
These council items are not on RCB’s agenda –
Waters Governance Board 28/11
After treated sewage pumping on incoming tides a program to improve the validation process using macros and Excel is being created. The incorrect data was loaded by a contracted software engineer. The sewage was shut off by remote operation for the night, but a secondary programming error caused another discharge on the incoming tide on 12/10. The consented enterococci limit was twice exceeded on 15/11 at the Boat Ramp and Museum, 4 days later, possibly due to recreational activities, or rain – “a separate investigation is warranted to uncover the cause of these anomalies”. A contract for a membrane to filter out the suspended solids is underway. A Memorandum of Understanding for land based disposal is still awaited, so a concept is being designed for it on Wainui Reserve.
Reservoir site – Further investigations are underway, with the existing Spring site the most favoured.
Richard Bax, who WDC made redundant, is now a consultant working with Watercare.
WDC workshops – Long Term Plan
WDC wide $1.3M pa walking and cycling, $1.3M pa. Propose to no longer provide regular/programmes street cleaning and move to a reactive model.
LTP mini business cases
Manu Bay boat ramp $2.2m 2025-27 Could cause increased coastal effects. It is proposed to fund this project because of the level of community interest, support and commitment from Council to date to make the repairs
Roading repairs – LTP 2024–2034, we are seeking total funding of $147,130,476 which is an increase of 41.56% from the last adopted LTP 2021- 2031, where the approved budget was $103,933,940. The status quo programme (less renewals) is $68.6M over 2024 – 27. Roading capital works (including walk, bike, bus) staff have elected to provide the optimal programme, $80 – 85M for 2024 – 2034 being the immediate funding period. This equates to an uplift of approx. 24% from 2021/24 to 2024/27.
Additionally, with the effects of climate change there is a need to acquire additional sports park land in Raglan with the football fields at Papahua and the Raglan Recreation Reserve suffering from more frequent flooding events due to increased weathers events, poor drainage and its proximity to the harbour
sports location |
2023 ha provision |
2023 Provision/ 1,000 роp |
Recommended Ha/1000 |
Current /under provision |
2053 Future Projected Requirement |
2053 Future Acquisition Required |
Raglan |
8.3 |
2.04 |
2.6 |
2.30 |
14.78 |
6.48 |
A Council resolution was passed in 2023 to investigate options to return the Raglan Airfield to the ‘rightful owners’. To give effect to that resolution we will need to carry out investigations, undertake costly surveys, seek Maaori Land Court and Te Arawhiti advice, engage with relevant Crown departments, incur legal costs and likely run extensive and potentially contentious public consultation processes.
Hapuu affiliated with Riria Kereopa Memorial Drive in Raglan seek to have the legal road and reserve adjacent to the Maaori Land owned nearby returned to them. If this is to progress, it too will require land status and Maori Land Court investigations, costly surveys, Maaori Land Court advice, legal advice and extensive and potentially contentious public notification for the proposed road stopping and reserve revocation. It is anticipated that any road stopping could result in objections to the Environment Court (pending prior procedural steps). All of which come at a cost.
Structure plans currently take around 18 to 24 months utilising the recently developed new approach, (in the past they have taken 3 years) to complete and multiple staff resource from across the business. The funding allocated in the 2021-2031 long term plan identified $354,000 to deliver a structure plan for Ngaruawahia, Hopuhopu and Taupiri and a Town Centre Plan for Ngaaruawaahia. In contrast, only $50,000 per annum is allocated each year in the 2021-2031 long term plan for spatial planning in other towns or villages.
3 waters Asset Management Plan
WDC wide projected spend rising – 2024 $63m, 2025 $116m, 2026 $146m, 2027 $162m, 2028 $150m
Policy 14/11
Freedom camping – It was queried whether the Corner of Cliff & Bow St were part of a reserve. As per Page 94 of the agenda it appears that some Community Board submissions have been captured and others have not. This speaks to the initial concern raised by Cr Whyte that staff appear to be acting as gatekeepers and not passing community voices and submissions on. . . staff to look at other tools or bylaws that could be used to ensure a time restriction can be put in place for James St.
Sustainability 1/11
“Raglan Naturally has recently organised two community workshops to connect with local organisations and groups and understand what the community priorities are and how Raglan Naturally can support these.”
Climate Response and Resilience Strategy 2023-27 – Next year we will work with our communities to identify needs and co-design the Climate Action Plan (community). WDC “aims to reduce emissions by up to 50% by 2030 . . . with our communities, we will identify, develop and enable the use of our collective tools, programmes and knowledge to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, aiming for a district wide reduction in emissions by 25% by 2030 . . . Commit to reducing our operational Co2e emissions annually ” 2024 Community climate action plan, adaptation planning, climate action mapping, investigate biodiverse berms, community climate education, increase multi modal connectivity, support waste minimisation initiatives, climate action embedded in organisation, sustainable procurement, green building guide. District emissions down 8.2% compared with 2018/19. 2022 Tonnes Co2e – Agriculture 1,721,291, Stationary energy 450,305, Transport 297,225, Waste 47,438, Industry 23,914.
Strategy 24/10
“Building Community Resilience & Connectivity We will prioritise the wellbeing of our district by building and supporting strong and resilient communities. . . easy to explore, and communities are connected and well informed). . . The Te Kauwhata community response plan (used as pilot) has been completed. Raglan is nearing completion.”
“Conversation to be had off-line with the Committee and the Chief Financial Officer in relation to Hall Committees and payments made by Council.”
“General Rate Position for the Year Ended 30 June “Chief Financial Officer to invite Council’s Legal Counsel to the next Committee meeting to provide further clarification on the carry-forwards”
WDC 24/10
earthquake – $515,000 was allocated to the Town Hall during Year 2 (Financial Year 2022/23) of the LTP 2021-31. This is funded by internal loans to complete seismic strengthening . . . year to date spend of $24,190 with a remaining budget of $490,810 as at 16 October 2023. . . During the preparation of the existing LTP, staff allocated budget . . . based on the Initial Seismic Assessment which indicated the building had a National Building Standard (NBS) of 25%. Once further investigation was completed the Detailed Seismic Assessment (DSA) deemed the building to have a NBS at 45%, which exceeds the 34% threshold of being regarded an earthquake prone building in terms of The Building Act 2004. . . remaining budget of $490,810 for the upgrade of the building to improve its seismic rating. The DSA noted that if WDC undertook some specific seismic strengthening, then the building could achieve a much higher seismic rating. The work required is to strengthen a bond beam located on the east side of the building. A building rating above 67% NBS will bring the building to a grade B which is a low-medium risk building. The cost of the design work, repair and follow up report will now not exceed $70,000.
A resident approached Council through the DP consultation to discuss extending their property which would include adding another level. If the property level was to rise the existing beacon would be obscured. Once the beacon is obscured it is no longer able to support the safe navigation for vessels entering the harbour. WDC resolved in 2021 that the costs would be covered by WDC to raise the height of the lamp. This project was not well understood and therefore the budgets allocated at the time were not sufficient. The design has been completed and the original budget of $136,054 is insufficient to complete the works. The relocation of the beacon requires the purchase of a new beacon, this has been purchased and now needs to be installed and commissioned. There is a current remaining balance of $32,005 allocated to the project. This price has increased because the original budget estimate expired due to delays in obtaining the consents and the equipment cost had risen dramatically due to inflation. The cost of installation includes the need for a specialised technician to commission the equipment, which was not provided for in the original estimate. Staff request an allocation of $120,000 of funds to complete the project, for a total cost of $256,054.
public be excluded – Strategic Land Acquisition, Raglan
Strategy 24/10
Satisfaction survey – Performance 40%, reputation 44%, value for money 35%, core services 50%, quality of life 70%, public toilet 46%, Local parks and reserves including sports fields / playgrounds 69%, cemeteries 71%, kerbside collection 79%, Availability of local councillor 47%, Council engages regarding key issues 30%, Ease of access and clarity of information 47%, Overall services received 37%.
Other issues missing from the RCB agenda are Papahua erosion, fluoride, off-shore windfarm, Community Energy Whāingaroa, roading, Blueprints, water pipes, boat ramp charges, Te Uku Recycling Centre, organic waste, rubbish on SH23, Swann Access Rd, Ruapuke Rd closure, Area School road safety, 3 Bow St, Greenslade Rd SH23 junction, Connectivity Strategy, Surf2surf walkway, speeding on Main Rd, WEL EV Charger, Manu Bay planting, Harbour Strategy, Coastal Reserves annual meeting (last one was Sep 2022), Animal Control late responses, unsealed roading, cycle counts, Bayview Rd safety, Canada Geese, Cliff St, Park Dr/Long St crossing, town square, Town Hall Committee, WRAP, Town Hall Warrant of Fitness, Calvert Rd parking, Te Mata Recycling, volunteer worker safety, Puriri Park, Eco Village.
Should WED be taking up these or other issues?